dimanche 17 mars 2019

Le dimanche etc.

                                               Le dimanche il n'y a pas photo, 
si ce ne sont quelques chiens (en général des labradors) ,  
puis des femmes (souvent élégantes et dénudées), 
* - aujourd'hui encore plutôt très habillées -
ainsi que des hommes (uniquement élégants),
et enfin les G.A.M.B. 


Ton sourire tendre ou moqueur,
Tes yeux, mon Styx ou mon Lignon,
Ton sein opulent ou mignon
Sont les seuls vainqueurs de mon cœur.
Et je mords à ta chevelure
Longue ou frisée, en haut, en bas,
Noire ou rouge et sur l'encolure
Et là ou là — et quels repas !
Et je bois à tes lèvres fines
Ou grosses, — à la Lèvre, toute !
Et quelles ivresses en route,
Diaboliques et divines !

Paul Verlaine

No, men don’t know anything – or willingly act as though they don’t – about the tough, tragic side of what they are getting into. At best they stoically think, Yes, I understand that sooner or later I’m going to relinquish sex in this marriage, but it’s in order to have other, more valuable things. But do they understand what they’re forsaking? To be chaste, to live without compromises, the frustrations? By making more money, by making all the money you can? By making all the children you can? That helps, but it’s nothing like the other thing. Because the other thing is based in your physical being, in the flesh that is born and the flesh that dies. Because only when you fuck is everything that you dislike in life and everything by which you are defeated in life purely, if momentarily, revenged. Only then are you most cleanly alive and most cleanly yourself. It’s not the sex that’s the corruption – it’s the rest. Sex isn’t just friction and shallow fun. Sex is a revenge on death. Don’t forget death. Don’t ever forget it. Yes, sex too is limited in its power. I know very well how limited. But tell me, what power is greater?

Philip Roth
In The Dying animal, 2001

Paul MeissnerKiss

Le mouvement jaune continue. Ci-dessous jeune femme 
en cours de radicalisation.

© Carolina Herrera – Automne 2019

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